So, it’s come out in the news over the last week about Michael Cohen. He was a longtime personal and business attorney for Donald Trump. He has pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges.
Two of these charges relate to the payment of “hush money” to two women, from campaign money, who alleged to have affairs with Donald Trump. It was also alleged Donald Trump told Michael Cohen to make these payments.
I think we all have seasons where we don’t understand what is happening. Something in our life is not going the right way, and no matter how much we pray, it just isn’t happening. We can be down on our knees begging God to show us what we are waiting for, or we can be throwing our fists in the air angry at why He has not provided answers.
I’m joining the Five Minute Friday Community again this week (I know it’s Saturday, but it’s better late than never, hey?) When I saw the word prompt for this weeks write, I nearly laughed! The word is ‘tired’ (and you can read other people’s musings if you click here).
Having a regret in life is something that can tear us apart, inside and out. We have regrets when we make bad decisions in learning, when we are in love, and when we lose something. We also have regrets when we blame ourselves for something or when we are scared and being held back by fear.
I’ve probably had many regrets in my life, but I’ve got over most of them. The one thing I regret most in my life though is my choice in education. I don’t have a degree. Yeah, ok, so a degree doesn’t define me, I know that. But, when people look at your qualifications on a piece of paper before they know you, it does define you.
I’m joining up again with the Five Minute Friday Community, but this time with something different. The prompt we were given was the word ‘why’.
I expected to either write about all the whys we can ask God, or better still, all the whys we get from our children when they are in one of those wind up moods. You know, when you tell them to do something and they make that three letter word sound like the longest word going…
You get what I mean? Well, I wrote something different instead. This week I have been prompted to write a poem. If you want to read what other people wrote, then click here.