My Biggest Regret Turned Into My Biggest Blessing

Having a regret in life is something that can tear us apart, inside and out. We have regrets when we make bad decisions in learning, when we are in love, and when we lose something. We also have regrets when we blame ourselves for something or when we are scared and being held back by fear.

I’ve probably had many regrets in my life, but I’ve got over most of them. The one thing I regret most in my life though is my choice in education. I don’t have a degree. Yeah, ok, so a degree doesn’t define me, I know that. But, when people look at your qualifications on a piece of paper before they know you, it does define you.

I was given the choice when I was eleven on whether I wanted to go to Grammar School or go to High School. I passed my 11 Plus when I was in Primary school and I was super excited. However, the little friends I had where I lived were all going to the local High School. I wasn’t popular at Primary School and I wanted to be where my friends were, so I chose High School over Grammar School.

It turns out my choice was not the best one to make. My parents moved house a number of times during my High School years which meant I had to move to different schools each time. Starting in a new high school when everyone already knows each other is so hard for a child to go through. You are seen as different and making friends is not easy.

I wasn’t as outward going then as I am now, and with the bullying I received, this had a big impact on my education and it started to go down hill. I started my High School education passing my 11 Plus and finished with failing some GCSEs and having to retake them when I went to college. I then ended up not doing so well in my A-Levels.

That one choice affected the whole of my life. I had a dream when I was younger of being a teacher. It was my passion from the age of 6 when I use to pretend to teach my teddies in my bedroom…until I reached 17 and I realised it wasn’t going to happen as I probably wouldn’t get into University.

You’re probably thinking though that me moving High Schools would have been the same if I went to Grammar School. My parents were still moving so my school would have still changed too. Well, my parents ended up moving to the same area as the Grammar school I would have gone to, and there was also a girl just around the corner that went to the same school! Do you see why I have the regret? If I had chosen Grammar school, my education would have different and I probably would have been in my dream job.

However, what if our one biggest regret could turn out to be our biggest blessing? You see, if I had chosen to go to Grammar school, I wouldn’t be where I am now. I would never have met someone who accepted me despite all I had been through as a child. I have three beautiful children whom I cherish so much. If I had chosen to go to Grammar school, meeting my husband would not have happened, and therefore my three gorgeous children would be non-existent! My biggest regret I had, has actually turned out to be my biggest blessing.

My biggest regret I had, has actually turned out to be my biggest blessing. Click To Tweet

I wrote this post as a response to the Five Minute Friday word prompt “regret”. Everything written before the first line break was in 5 minutes.

Click here to see what other people wrote when they were prompted with this word.

18 thoughts on “My Biggest Regret Turned Into My Biggest Blessing”

  1. Lynne, I have to tell you … I so relate with you on this. I did not complete my college education because I met my husband. I wanted to work FT to save money up to get married. Afterwards, life happened and I have never gone back to finish. This was my biggest regret for years and I have come to realize in many ways, this has become such a blessing. I am grateful you shared your story! And I am grateful God crossed our paths in this huge online world we live in!

    1. Joanne, thank you so much for stopping by and I am grateful too that our paths have crossed. It’s nice to know that what I wrote resonated with you and I’m pleased you are able to see the blessings you have around you now. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I appreciate hearing when someone else goes through something similar.

  2. Another great word Lynne! Our ways are not God’s ways and visa versa. We all have ideas of what we want to happen in life and sometimes as you have said we make a choice that ends with a regret, yet in God’s economy, nothing is ever wasted and He goes on to bless us regardless – and more abundantly than we could have ever dreamed. Praise him!

    1. Thank you Val. It takes time to see what God is really doing in our lives. It’s only when we look at the path we have walked do we really see this.

  3. It takes time to get where you are in being able to see the blessing in your regret. I am learning that so often in my life, those situations which are painful or disappointing usually allow me to relate to someone else in a similar situation and I’m able to care for them in a more personal way. As my Mother-in-Love always says, “God doesn’t make mistakes!” Cindy Wilkins from the #fmf Facebook page

    1. I agree Cindy. Going through those disappointing times are never great, but it’s what makes us stronger for tomorrow. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  4. ‘God works all things together for good for those that love Him’ – thank you for your reminder of that and the perspective that time can give us. God bless you. Your FMF Neighbour #62

    1. This is so true. Whatever happens, He will turn it for our good and for His glory. There’s a good song on that 😊 Thank you for visiting today.

  5. Hello Lynne, I can relate to the regret and then realizing it is also a blessing. I think God worked everything out for you in a beautiful way. Sometimes I think of what I would do if I could turn back time. I can’t imagine changing a thing, because they all led me to where I am now.

    Visiting from FMF Your neighbor at #60

    1. There is always what ifs in our lives, but if we had our own way and were able to change our circumstances to produce a different outcome we wouldn’t have the blessings we know we have now. I’m pleased that this resonated with you. Thank you for stopping by.

  6. You did get to be a teacher. Every mother is responsible for teaching her kids what they need to know before they start school themselves and also teaching them how to succeed in life. Your job as mother/teacher is never finished. They will always come to you with the tough questions. Thanks so much for sharing. I enjoyed reading your post.

    1. Thank you Karen for your lovely encouraging words and for taking the time to read. I really appreciate it.

  7. Great post, Lynne! I love those times when we can look back and see God’s plan and see him working for good, even in the things we might have regretted along the way.

    1. Thank you Lesley. I agree. It’s tough going through it at the time, but looking back I can see God working through it all.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Lauren and for taking the time to read. He definitely turns things around for His good.

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