All posts by Lynne

Where is Jesus in the Midst of our Emptiness

I was listening to a sermon given by our Associate Vicar in our church service a while back and I resonated with it so much that I just had to share it with you in my own words.

The talk given, and this post, is based on John 21:1-14 where Jesus appears to some of the disciples whilst they were fishing.

The disciples were going through a waiting season after Jesus had left them. Each of them had no clue as to what was going to happen next. They had seen Jesus a few times after His resurrection, but they were at a point in their lives where they thought, “Now what?”

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Adapting the Mind


Definition of adapt: Adjust to a different situation or condition.

Bible Definition of adapt: Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2

Recently, I’ve found myself feeling tired and weighed down with the way my health has been and the situations I have found myself in. This is on top of the journey/waiting period I’m going through of finding who I am. Where do I fit in and what is God calling me to do? My mind has been working over time and spiralling down a slope.

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Holding On in the Midst of Waiting

I think we all have seasons where we don’t understand what is happening. Something in our life is not going the right way, and no matter how much we pray, it just isn’t happening. We can be down on our knees begging God to show us what we are waiting for, or we can be throwing our fists in the air angry at why He has not provided answers.

I’ve been there.

I’m still there.

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Releasing Our Stories

Here we are again for another Five Minute Friday, where a number of writers gather for a weekly writing challenge around a single word prompt and write to our hearts content, but only for five minutes (or there abouts – I took a little longer this week).

This weeks word prompt is ‘release’ and I am sharing what I feel about releasing our stories. Click here if you want to see what other people wrote. You can also have a go yourself. What do you think of when you hear the word ‘release’?

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