Releasing Our Stories

Here we are again for another Five Minute Friday, where a number of writers gather for a weekly writing challenge around a single word prompt and write to our hearts content, but only for five minutes (or there abouts – I took a little longer this week).

This weeks word prompt is ‘release’ and I am sharing what I feel about releasing our stories. Click here if you want to see what other people wrote. You can also have a go yourself. What do you think of when you hear the word ‘release’?

Last week I shared my forgiveness story and how I came to the point of being free when I forgave my abuser. Sharing my story wasn’t easy. In fact, it was one of the hardest moments I have shared.

I believe God asks us to release our stories so we can give hope to other people when they are going through times of despair. I didn’t like what I went through in my childhood (and that’s a slight understatement), but I believe we experience trials in life so we know what it’s like to suffer.

believe God asks us to release our stories so we can give hope to other people Click To Tweet

At the end of the day, how can I relate with people if I have not experienced some form of trial? I can’t turn round and say to someone, You will get through this, without having gone through something similar myself. I believe God let’s us go through situations so you can believe me when I say, I know how you feel.

When I release my story, His story, I share with an authentic heart. I use to feel like a fraud when I shared, and I still do at times if I’m honest. After all, how can I tell you about this perfect life in Christ when I don’t have it all figured out myself? Right?

It’s not about being a perfect Christian though. There’s no such thing! This race is hard folks! I want to share with you those vulnerable, authentic moments so you can see a glimpse of hope that it is possible to come through to the other side.

Something to think about…

If you are in a season right now and you are finding it hard to see when spring will arrive, take heart and remember that this is only a season you are going through. Believe me when I say there is hope. The winter you are going through now will not last forever, and just like we are seeing changes around us with new life growing, we will see this in our lives too. Spring is not too far away.

As well as reading other people’s stories of hope, there are two Bible verses I hold onto:

No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it.

1 Corinthians 10:13

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13


Lord, I pray for the person reading right now. Speak into their hearts and show them what they are going through is only for a season. The season they are going through may feel barren and bare like winter, but spring is not too far away and they will see new life. Help them to see glimpses of hope in what is around them so they have something to hold onto. Amen.

8 thoughts on “Releasing Our Stories”

  1. such helpful thoughts Lynne. I was reminded of a piece written for songsters in the SA sometime ago called His Provision – at the moment of my weakness when my need for power is plain, and my own strength is exhausted once again, then my Lord has made provision for the day of my despair and his precious Holy Spirit hears my prayer. ….. there are other verses too, but this reminds me that it is in our weakness that God willingly provides for us. xx

  2. Lynne, I so agree with you! It is amazing how many times I used the events of my childhood to comfort children in my classroom. To reassure them I knew what they were going through. “Releasing our stories to give hope” I just love that and it’s just what God does! Thank you for sharing so honestly, Cindy #fmf

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Cindy. It’s lovely to hear you are able to reassure others using your experiences too.

  3. I’m so glad you found the courage to share your story, Lynne, and know God’s freedom. It is definitely not easy, but it is so encouraging when God can use us to speak hope to others. Thank you for doing that here.

  4. Thank you for being so real. Your story encouraged me last week. A lot. Life is hard and we do go through seasons of hard. But you’re so right that spring awaits us. It’s hard to see that in the winter sometimes. That’s where the Word and others’ testimonies – like yours – are such a blessing to lean into and be strengthened by. Thank you for being brave.

    1. Thank you so much Anna for your encouraging words and I’m humbled to hear that my words provided you with the strength and comfort you needed. It’s nice to know my writing resonates with people. Bless you Anna.

Thank you for taking the time to read. If you like what you have read today, then please leave me a comment and let me know what you thought.