Where is Jesus in the Midst of our Emptiness

I was listening to a sermon given by our Associate Vicar in our church service a while back and I resonated with it so much that I just had to share it with you in my own words.

The talk given, and this post, is based on John 21:1-14 where Jesus appears to some of the disciples whilst they were fishing.

The disciples were going through a waiting season after Jesus had left them. Each of them had no clue as to what was going to happen next. They had seen Jesus a few times after His resurrection, but they were at a point in their lives where they thought, “Now what?”

It’s probably like the first time you gave your life over to Christ. You’re so fired up and raring to go and then *thud*. You come crashing down to Earth wondering what God is going to do with you now. Well, this was how the disciples felt, and it’s kind of how I’ve been feeling since I said “yes” to God over two years ago for Him to use me and what I’ve been through in my past.


When the disciples were initially called by Jesus, they were called to be with Him and to follow where He leads.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Matthew 4:19

They left everything behind to be with him. Everything! Their families, possessions, friends and their family businesses, which must have taken years to build. A stranger comes into their lives and asks them to drop everything to follow Him.

What a risk!

Even more so after Jesus’ death and resurrection. They probably didn’t know whether they were coming or going or what their calling was. After all, everything had changed. They felt stunned and disoriented and no longer knew what to do.

If we took a look at ourselves and the situations that we ended up in, we probably would sometimes think “how on earth did I end up here?” And, “what the heck do I do now?

When we no longer know what to do, what happens? We slip back into our old ways. You know, when the going gets tough, we forget who we can turn to? We may even slip back into old habits or meet up with old friends.


After the death and resurrection of Jesus, some of the disciples went back home and went to the Sea of Galilee. They went back to their old ways and went fishing.

One day, they had been fishing all day and caught nothing. They threw down their nets on every side going and in different places and caught nothing. They must have felt so disheartened. Going back to what they know best and they were still no better off.

This is probably how we feel when we slip back into old habits. No matter how hard we persevere in our old ways, nothing seems to be working. We get disheartened at what we thought we knew best and it turns out to be an empty fulfilment.

For the disciples, in that moment of emptiness in the vast ocean, a voice calls out from the shore:

“Friends, haven’t you any fish?” (Verse 5)

This was a familiar voice which they should have recognised immediately, but they didn’t.

They had fished all day. It must have been so obvious to anyone on the shore that their nets were empty, just like their hearts, so why did someone shout out the obvious? They were so despondent and disorientated, that they didn’t even recognise their own Savior…at first.


There are times in our lives too when we feel empty and we feel Jesus is no where to be found. Think back to those moments where you have sat alone feeling so lost and overwhelmed with the situation you are in. You may have thought you had everything worked out, but instead you don’t know which way to turn and you feel disorientated. And when we feel so lost, sometimes there are times in our emptiness we miss what He says.

For us to be able to recognise Jesus speaking to us we need to spend time with him and in his word. We come to know Jesus’ voice because we are use to hearing it.

Jesus tells the disciples to throw their net on the other side.

“Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” (Verse 6)

The disciples didn’t know who this person was at the time, but after a brief moment, John recognised his voice and says He is our Lord. Peter then jumps in.

John recognised Jesus because it was similar to a previous encounter. Something clicked inside him. Do you remember the time when the men were out on the boat all night fishing and caught nothing? (Matthew 4:18-22) The next morning, Jesus came to them to send them back out fishing again and He invited them to come and spend time with Him.

Years later, a similar situation gives a new encounter. Jesus calls them again, in their emptiness, not to be with him, but to be sent out.


This is what Jesus does with us when He calls us. In the moments where we feel disorientated and empty and not knowing what we are to do next, these are the times when we need to open our eyes and ears to Him, as He might be inviting us into a reorienting. He calls us initially to be with Him, but the amazing turnaround is that He then calls us to be sent out so that we can bring others into a relationship with Him.

We need to remember that when we are chosen by God, we have not reached our final destination. We are in a life-long process of walking out our journey with Jesus and maturing in our faith. God has not finished with us yet!

As long as we are still alive, He will still be working with us and in us. Even when we feel disappointed and disorientated and we fall into our old ways, this is when God is working in us most. We just need to be open to Him so we can recognise what He wants us to do.

“He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.” (Phil. 1:6)

Something to think about…

This passage in John 21 reminds me that God is not finished with me yet and He is still at work with me, even in times where I feel empty.

Maybe you are going through a moment right now where you feel disorientated. What do you think God is trying to tell you? Is there something that God wants you to share with someone in order to bring them into a relationship with Him?


Lord, in the midst of my emptiness I often ask where you are. I forget that you are always with me in the times when I can’t hear you. You are there by my side walking with me in my trials. You are in front of me guiding me the way to go, and you are behind me covering me with your love and protecting me. Give me gentle reminders, Lord, so that I never forget this. May I remember it is you I need to turn to and not my old ways. Amen

If you would like to listen to the sermon, we are fortunate to have all our sermons recorded, so you can listen here.

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