This Is My Story…in 5 Minutes

I was brought up in a Christian family with Christian values. However, when I experienced something in my life that was not so Christian it left me feeling confused to say the least. I wondered for many years why God would inflict such pain and suffering on a child. The suffering didn’t end either when it was over…it continued for years after when I tried to wrestle with what happened.

There are many people in this world that have experienced some form of brokenness in their lives..

death of a loved one

…the list is endless. Being broken doesn’t mean to say that you cannot be used though.

Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.

Philippians 1:12

With God by my side, it has been possible to piece together the broken fragments in my life and create something that is of worth.


We may be broken, but we are not beyond repair. We will be used again for something good. It may not be how we thought it would be. In fact, it will be for something better…to advance the gospel.

We may be broken, but we are not beyond repair. Click To Tweet

I wrote this post as a response to the Five Minute Friday word prompt “story”. Click here to see what other people wrote when they were prompted with this word.

8 thoughts on “This Is My Story…in 5 Minutes”

  1. “We may be broken, but we are not beyond repair.” AMEN! Thanks for sharing your story. We are all valuable in God’s sight.

    Blessings to you!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing, Lynne. It is wonderful to see what God can do through the broken pieces of our lives. He is the great Redeemer and Restorer.

  3. I love this- even if we are broken we are not beyond repair. God can still create something beautiful. I’m sharing on this topic all this month for Write 31 Days so I appreciated your post. (Visiting from the FMF Facebook group)

    1. Thank you for visiting and I’m pleased you resonated with my post. I’ll pop along and read what you’ve written some time – I love the topic of God using people that have been broken.

  4. Hi, Lynne! Visiting from the FMF Facebook page.

    “We may be broken, but we are not beyond repair.”

    Such a good word. It’s easy to think that one wrong step or one bad moment takes us out of the race forever. But God is the Healer and Sustainer. He puts us back together and gets us running again.

    1. Thank you for visiting. I often have to remind myself to keep on going. If God can use me despite what I have been through, then I can do anything He asks of me.

Thank you for taking the time to read. If you like what you have read today, then please leave me a comment and let me know what you thought.