We Were Intentionally Made

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

Psalm 139:13-16

Our God is an intentional God. When He does things, it’s not by accident.  He intends to do them. This also applies to ourselves. I was not made by accident. I was not some random passing thought. God intentionally created me. He intentionally created you too.

I know what you might be thinking (coz I think this too sometimes)…

Hang on a minute. Me? He intended to create me? God created me on purpose?

Yes! You are not by accident.

I find this hard to grasp at times depending on what I am feeling and what situations I go through. On a good day I’ll accept He fearfully and wonderfully made me just the way I am. He will use me just as He intended to further the works for His Kingdom.

On a bad day? The days where I am tearing my hair out because for the umpteenth time I asked my kids to do something? Those days where everything I do just doesn’t quite reach the mark? These are the days where I feel far from being wonderfully made. These are the days where I feel downright inadequate. These are the days where I look to others and how they “parent” their children. These are the days where I wish I could be more like that parent over there that seems to “have it all together”.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Jeremiah 1:5

God knew Jeremiah before he was born. He knew him! For God to know someone as intimate as this gives me the sense that Jeremiah was worth something. He chose Jeremiah to do great things. How awesome is that?

The times where I am tearing my hair out? These are the times where I need to hold onto the truth that God made me intentionally. Before I was even born He blessed me and He chose me to do great things. This is for you too! Now, how awesome is that?

Before I was even born He blessed me and He chose me to do great things. Click To Tweet

Something to think about…

Next time you feel like you’re in a situation where you feel inadequate, just remember that God intentionally created you. He didn’t create you to be anyone else, but you. So why aspire to be like someone else? If He wanted you to be like that person, He would have made you like that. Remember…you are uniquely fearfully and wonderfully made!


Lord, when we are in those moments where we feel inadequate, help us to remember that you created us intentionally and that you loved us before we were even made. Help us to know this truth deep within our hearts so that we can move forward to fulfil the purposes you have set out before us. Amen

I wrote this post as a response to the Five Minute Friday word prompt “intentional”. Everything written before the first line break was in 5 minutes.

Click here to see what other people wrote when they were prompted with this word.

10 thoughts on “We Were Intentionally Made”

  1. I may be leaving a second comment. It said jetpack closed. Soooo. I really enjoyed your post. I definitely have had those days where I wonder if God really meant for me to be me. He has gifted us exactly as we should be. If we needed more He surely would have given it to us. I am grateful for His word and other’s encouragement.
    Have a wonderful week!
    FMF neighbor #88

    1. I definitely got your lovely comment. Thank you! He definitely has gifted us exactly as we should be – no more. No less. Bless you.

  2. So glad that you included your prayer, along with the Bible verses. We can ask God for His help–He helps our faith grow! I enjoyed your post.

  3. Loved this post. I often wonder why on earth the God of the universe would create me. I’m so thankful that He did. I’m sharing from the #78 spot this week. Blessings!

  4. Lynne just this afternoon I have attended a Dementia Awareness session which was beautifully presented and the verse you quoted at the beginning about being known by God when were were being formed and being unique, was quoted. It made me realise that throughout life, in whatever situation we find ourselves, God has been there before us and will be with us throughout. I am so glad you wrote these thoughts about our intentional God. thank you once again! xxx

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