Trust and Obey

I very rarely comment on social media what is going on in the world. Actually, I don’t think I have put up one post on Facebook about what goes on in the news. I only ever post about my life and the things that I’m doing.

It’s not because I don’t care about what goes on, because I do. Oh, I really do. My heart aches for what I see and read in the media about our broken world. And if I’m honest, sometimes I shed tears as well. Who doesn’t when you hear about another teenager being stabbed…

Or when another refugee seeking help is washed up on a beach…

Or when another bomb goes off and innocent people are being killed…

Or when you see pictures of children starving. Children that are the same age as my own, and all you can see is skin hanging off their bones and flies on their face.

Yes, my heart cries.

I guess I feel that my voice is not strong enough to shout out what I feel when I see all the noise and unrest going on around me. And let’s face it, there is a hell of a lot of unrest around us at the moment.

Natural disasters…Just to name a few!

Part of me is scared of what is going to happen to our world. Why should I be scared though? It’s not what is happening that scares me, but the “unknown”. Not knowing what is going to happen when decisions are being made. Not knowing what our world is coming to when I see all the fighting.

When it comes to politics, who shall I vote for? Will they really make a difference in my life…in our world? When it comes to the world around us, will we ever see an end to all the violence and suffering that takes place?

God prevails

All this unrest has all happened before though…many times over…and it will keep on happening.

Joshua could have easily turned his back on God when he stood in front of those gigantic walls of Jericho. Instead, he obeyed God and followed Him. And what did Joshua get in return? He saw victory over the city. God prevailed.

Gideon had an army of 32,000 men and he was up against it when he faced a mighty army that had 135,000 men. He was out numbered 4 to 1. Now those aren’t great odds, so when God told Gideon to reduce his army instead of increasing it, he must of thought that God had lost His mind. He listened though, and he obeyed. He won a mighty battle with just 300 men. God prevailed again.

And as for Jonah…Well, God certainly showed what happens when you don’t listen and you go your own way. You get eaten by a fish! Jonah in the end listened to what God wanted Him to do, and God prevailed!

There was also a man that was condemned to death…all because he was sent to help people…to save us. People laughed and mocked Jesus when He was being crucified on the cross. Well, how could He save people if He was hung on a cross? He was a little restricted at that point to do anything.

At that point He was! I wonder who had the last laugh in the end when He showed up walking down the road? God prevailed in the utmost way possible when Jesus rose from the dead.

Trust and obey

In all that had happened, God remained sovereign in all of it. He always has and always will, and it was when people turned to Him and trusted Him. They may not have understood what was happening and why it was happening, and at times God’s will probably seemed down right insane. But, they trusted Him, and obeyed.

As long as we trust and obey God, He will reign over all, and everything will work out. This is one thing that I am sure of in all the unrest that we have in our world today.

Tweet: As long as we trust and obey God, He will reign over all, and everything will work out.

A question to reflect on…

Is there an area in your life where you need to trust God and obey Him? If so, why don’t you consider handing it over to Him today?


Lord, in this world where there is unrest, you are the One that reigns over all. May we remember that truth when we do not understand what is happening around us. Help us to stand strong in what we believe in. Help us to trust you and to obey you in what you call us to do. In Your Name. Amen.

Bible reading

1 Corinthians 15:58: Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Suggested Listening

If you want to feel inspired in doing God’s will today, listen to the hymn “Trust and Obey”. Although it was written in 1887, the words are very much relevant today as they were back then.

Thank you for taking the time to read. If you like what you have read today, then please leave me a comment and let me know what you thought.