Tag Archives: Working together

Day 27 – The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts

The connection of ingredients or elements, that when put together produce a complete effect that is considerably enhanced over the sum of the individual elements.

If you are a cake maker, which I am totally not, you will know that each ingredient is important into making the cake as a whole. Any individual ingredient missed out would make the cake tasteless, or at worst, inedible.

Let’s think about ourselves for a moment. If we separate ourselves into the individual parts we are made up of, such as the lungs, heart, brain, eyes, we wouldn’t be classed as a human beings anymore. Even though each individual part is really important, they are easily replaced. Whereas the person as a whole cannot be replaced.

If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 1 Corinthians 12:17

This is the same with any community we live in, or church we are part of. Each individual person with their talents are really important, but working together as a whole is far greater than working alone.

You are reading day 27 of the Write 31 Days Challenge in conjunction with The Five Minute Friday Community. Today’s word prompt is ‘whole’.