Tag Archives: self-worth

Playing With Confidence (even when you dont feel it)

I play a musical instrument. Currently, I am in a position in a brass band where I am required to have a lot of confidence. I sit in the principal cornet seat. (For those of you who are not musical, I basically lead the rest of the cornet section).

Continue reading Playing With Confidence (even when you dont feel it)

Day 14 – Ask and it Shall be Given

For the last six months, ever since I found out I was pregnant, I have been scared. Scared of many things, from getting through the pregnancy without any complications, to coping with newborn twins whilst still raising my other 3 children.

Continue reading Day 14 – Ask and it Shall be Given

Day 12 – Give Praise Where it’s Due

I knew a young girl who played a musical instrument. She was pretty good. Ok, so she didn’t practice a whole heap. Who does when they are young? Going out with friends seems far more enticing. Continue reading Day 12 – Give Praise Where it’s Due

Day 3 – Believe in Yourself


I think we all, at some point in our lives, struggle with believing in ourselves. It may be believing we can pass a test, or not. Maybe it’s playing a solo in a concert you have worked up for absolutely ages. Maybe you struggle to believe you are a good parent, or that you are good at your job. 

For a long time, I didn’t believe in myself very well. I kept comparing myself to other people thinking they could do a better job than me…at anything! This sounds like I don’t have a problem anymore, doesn’t it? 

Actually, if I’m being honest, I still do have a problem with believing in myself.  However, I believe in myself more than what I use to. This doesn’t mean I’m not going to fail at anything, because believe me, I will. 

That’s ok though.

I believe that God has put gifts and talents and ability on the inside of every one of us. When you develop that and you believe in yourself and you believe that you’re a person of influence and a person of purpose, I believe you can rise up out of any situation. Joel Osteen

The only way we are able to develop what we have is to keep on trying…even when we fail! I never thought I would hear myself say this, but failing at something is good. It means we get to learn something and get better at it. And when we do get better at it, it helps to remove the unwanted self doubt and gives us the sense of belief in ourselves that we need. 

Do you see the positive cycle starting to develop?

Fail at something


study what you failed


try it again (maybe even practice)


make more mistakes


learn some more! 

Each time this cycle goes round and round, and you start getting better and better. 

Believe in yourself! 

You are reading day 3 of the Write 31 Days Challenge in conjunction with The Five Minute Friday Community. Today’s word prompt is ‘Believe’.

In the Midst of Motherhood

I have already mentioned in a previous post that I haven’t made any New Years resolutions this year. I don’t see the point as it’s just too much pressure to try and keep one. Especially when you’re the parent of small children, right?

Instead, I’m focusing on one word (midst) which I hope will keep me centred throughout the year. This is the first post that I am writing, which focuses on this word, and I hope to write one each month for the rest of the year.

I, of all people, should be thankful for my children. It took me 5 years to conceive to have my first, and she was nothing short of a miracle when she came into this world. But do you know what? This parenting lark is hard. Oh my word! Hard is an understatement.

Continue reading In the Midst of Motherhood