Tag Archives: Christian Living

Why Writing My First Post Of The Year Has Been Hard

I always find writing my first post of the year a hard one. Most bloggers have done their first post and are onto a second…or third! And yet, I’m still contemplating on what to write for my first. Well, I say contemplating. I’m probably more procrastinating.

Truth is, I’m tired. Christmas was lovely, but the lead up to it was super hectic. It didn’t ease either once it was over. Life with twins has turned out to be absolutely wonderful on one hand, but completely crazy on the other.

Why the wait?

I’ve been thinking about direction since we started into the new year. Well, what else do you think of when you turn into a new year? You look back to where you have been over the past year, and then look forward to where you would like to go in the next year.

Not only do we reflect over the year this time though, we find ourselves looking back over the last decade as we come into 2020. How scary is it to think we have gone through another decade?

As each New Year comes and goes, I find myself wanting to draw closer to God more. I want to move forward in my faith with God. Whether I achieve that or not, I’m not quite sure. Maybe I get a little step closer as each year passes by? One thing’s for sure, I’m not where I use to be!

This year, the desire to want to draw closer feels stronger than ever. I don’t know why. I have this feeling God wants to do something great. He wants to use me in ways I would not have imagined.

For this to happen though, God needs to do a deep work in me. If only I let him.

Each year, for the past few years, I have focussed on a word instead of making any New Years resolutions. This year the word came quite clear to me. But ever since accepting it I have done anything but do it. The word?


For me to produce the fruit God wants me to, I need to be nourished in the right nutrients to make me grow. I liken myself to the plants I have in my home. I don’t have many. Not because I don’t like them. I think plants can look really pretty and make the home feel more colourful…if tended to and looked after.

I’m not exactly the green fingered type of person. It takes a lot of time and effort to cultivate a beautiful flowering plant. With all the distractions life throws at me, I forget I need to tend to my plants. Sooner or later I remember them, but by then it’s too late. They have withered and died.

I forget to give my plants their basic need to survive and flourish in this world. Water. Plants need water to soak deep into their roots to thrive. Without it, they wither, and then soon die.

I am like my plants. I forget what I need deep down. In order to flourish in this world, I need to abide in God. Without Him I will wither and die. I don’t die physically but spiritually I do.

In order to flourish in this world, I need to abide in God. Without Him I will wither and die. Click To Tweet

How do I flourish?

I need to soak in the love of God deep down…right into my roots. Just like a plant needing water. This takes time and effort. Something of which I know I have not been doing lately. I have been trying to survive in this world by my own means and I’m neglecting what I truly need.

I know this is not going to be easy. But in order for me to grow into a beautiful flowering plant, I need to spend time with God in His Word. I need to abide in Him, and let Him abide in me.

Now, I can’t expect to dive straight into this by spending hours on end in prayer and reading my Bible. I need to start off with what best suits me in the season I am in. I need to start off small and with bite sized chunks. Just enough to keep me sustained.

Something to think about…

Can you help me? Yes, you can! If you are reading through this and find a Bible verse comes to mind, please share it with me. I know this is not going to be an easy journey. Especially in these early stages of growing and given what we are going through in the world right now. (Growing can be painful you know!) So, any Bible verses, prayers or words of encouragement you may have, please share them with me.


Lord, I thank you that you would want to be close to me and spend time with me. Your Word says that if I abide in you then you will also abide in me. I want to abide in you. Please Lord, I ask that you put a seed in me that wants to abide in you above everything else. Help me to pray continuously throughout the day and to keep my eyes open for opportunities to dive deeper into your Word. Amen.

We Are Only Human

It was such a shock that Theresa May delivered her speech so badly the other day – and the media are absolutely loving every minute of it. It was just an unfortunate turn of events that took place, but one that is going to stick with her for the rest of her life.

A comedian thought that it would be a good prank to hand her a P45 declaring she is not fit for the role of Prime Minister. She then unfortunately had really bad coughing fits causing her to lose her voice slightly. She paused at various moments to sip water and was even handed a cough sweet.

You can already envisage that this is going to be one of those top 50 embarrassing moments of the century on a TV blooper type programme. Worse was yet to come though when letters started to fall off the conservative slogan behind her.

She really did have one of those “bad day at the office” type of days! Don’t we all get days like that though? Ok, so we may not be giving a life changing speech, but we do need to live a life that could be life changing for other people. People look to each other to see how they react to situations around them. A situation handled well is one that will be remembered well, but a situation handled in a bad way will never be forgotten.

A situation handled well is one that will be remembered well, but a situation handled in a bad way will never be forgotten. Click To Tweet

As it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one.

Romans 3:10

So Theresa May is not perfect. Who is? Are you? Can you honestly say that you live and talk in such a way that people could say you live your life perfectly? We are only human at the end of the day – and so is Theresa May – believe it or not!


There is someone though that we can rely on to be perfect in everything that is done.

The Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He.

Deuteronomy 32:4

  • We can always rely on God because He is a strong figure – He is the Rock.
  • Everything that God has done has been done well. We can rely on Him because of this – His work is perfect.
  • We can trust in God for His wisdom to do what is right – For His ways are just.
  • We can count on God to fulfil His promises because He is a God of faithfulness.

So, who do we look to for someone to rely on? Who can we look to who can truly show us the right way to live? Who Is it that we can we focus on? Someone who will not cough and splutter when challenged with whether He can uphold his promises for our future?

We can chose to focus on the One who is perfect. We can chose to focus on God.