Tag Archives: Blocking God

Day 10 in God’s Love – Blocking God’s Love

I often go through these cycles. You know, where everything is hunky dory and then bang, you come crashing down to Earth. Everything comes tumbling down around you because you forget Who you are in a relationship with.

Do you ever feel like that?

I struggle. Big time.

When I go through these periods of when I don’t feel God around me, I find it hard to worship Him. The words that appear on the over head projector resonate so much with how I feel, but I just can’t get them to come out of my mouth.

What blocks God?

I have this block that is so heavy it holds me back from praising God. That block…is me! I turn up every week to church, but I don’t show up. I’m so caught up in my own world I don’t see what is around me. God wants to love me so much but I put up this barrier to stop Him from coming near me.

Why do I do that? It’s because I am scared. When God starts to do something good in us, sometimes it is a little scary. When change occurs and something new is taking place it’s daunting.

We are afraid because we are unsure. We do not know what the future holds. Shutting ourselves off to what God wants to release in us seems the best course of action because we are fearful of what God wants us to do.

Shutting ourselves off to what God wants to release in us seems the best course of action because we are fearful of what God wants us to do. Click To Tweet

Releasing the block

When I get into this cycle of blocking out God I forget what being a Christian is all about. It’s about a relationship with God. A relationship is a connection between two people. It’s not something that can be done on our own, and God wants a relationship with us.

In order to strengthen a relationship, time and energy has to be put in by both parties. I think we pretty much know that God invests a lot of time and energy into us. So when we feel like God is not around or that He is a bit distant from us, it must be us that is not investing enough.

There are two ways we can strengthen our relationship with God:

  • Pray – Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12
  • Spend time in His word – “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The more we spend time with God, the more it will strengthen our relationship. The time we spend with God will help to soften our hard hearts so that the love and mercy of God can seep in.

The time we spend with God will help to soften our hard hearts so that the love and mercy of God can seep in. Click To Tweet

Something to think about…

God wants to spend time with you. If you’re anything like me you probably struggle to get two words said to Him. First thing in the morning for me doesn’t work because of kids. I would have to get up at some unearthly hour, and I do that already with my babies.

Instead I try and find the time when I am busy. There is always time. When I am washing up, when I am driving back from school drop off or when I am loading the washing machine. Why don’t you find some time when you are busy to talk to God?

As for spending time in the word, why not sign up to an app that sends a Bible verse directly to your phone? I have signed up with YouVersion. It’s a great way to focus on a verse each day.


Dear God, I am sorry for the times I have put up a barrier between you and me. It is not my intention to block you out, but sometimes life gets hard. At these times God, be persistent with me. Please never let me go. Amen