Category Archives: Write 31 Days Challenge 2021

31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 2 – God’s Strength

31 Days of Bible Affirmations - Day 2 - God’s Strength
31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 2 – God’s Strength

God’s Strength

The Lord is my strength and my shield;
My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;
Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,
And with my song I will praise Him.
Psalm 28:7 (NKJV)

Last night’s sleep was pretty pants! (That means it wasn’t very good, to say the least). Most of my sleeps are not great due to the twins waking up through the night. However, last night was especially hard. I wasn’t feeling too great either, so today I am feeling a little fragile.

With everything I have been through over the last month, nights like last night are especially hard on my mental health. Thoughts of not being good enough plague me throughout the day as I struggle to find the strength to get through it.

With this in mind, and knowing I have committed to writing for the next few weeks about Bible affirmations, it only feels right to start with what I really need. God’s strength. This is not going to be an easy journey, as I need to be intentional in what I am doing. I need to push through the barriers that are in place to stop me from achieving what God wants me to hear. I need His strength in order for me to do this.

When David wrote Psalm 28, he was pleading with God for help to deliver him from the hands of his enemies. He was tired and weary and wanted no more. Yet, in the middle of his distress, his mind shifted. He took hold of his thoughts and remembered who God is. God wants us to take our thoughts captive too.

Something to think about…

Why not have a go at personalising Psalm 28:7 and re-write in your own words what you feel God is saying to you. You could also use my version and change to your own name.

Lynne? Lean on me? I can be the strength you need when you feel you have nothing left.
Lynne? Take hold of me? I can be your shield and protect you from those thoughts you have.
Lynne? Trust me? Give me your heart and I will help you.
You will find that once you take hold of what I have to offer, your heart will be light again. You will once more be able to sing my praises.

Something to listen to…

This is a little cheesy and may make you cringe a little, but by the end I was smiling.

31 Days of Bible Affirmations

31 Days of Bible Affirmations
31 Days of Bible Affirmations

I have been working through a mentoring course this year, which is run by Jo Naughton. It is designed to find out what God’s purposes are for us, to grow in our gifts and to develop a character that would help us to carry out our calling. Each week we focus on a certain aspect to help towards this.

I can honestly say that this has helped me tremendously in being able to move forward in what I feel God is calling me to do. I have noticed a big change as I have been working through some hard topics. As a result, it is a change that has been a massive step forward in my faith and my healing.

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