Category Archives: Faith

31 Days Of Bible Affirmations – Day 16 – I Am Seen

31 Days of Bible Affirmations - Day 16 - I Am Seen
31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 16 – I Am Seen

I am Seen

She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”
Genesis 16:13

Have you ever felt rejected or mistreated? Hurt or forgotten? Have you ever been in a situation so painful you just want to run away? All you want is for someone to come alongside you and to be seen. Instead you just feel lonely and abandoned.

When I was 15, I remember sitting on the steps of an old disused building thinking what was the point? I was being bullied so much and I was trying to process what I had been through when I was younger. I was getting threats from other children wanting to beat me up after school. None of the teachers ever noticed what I was going through.

I remember sitting on those cold steps with a piece of glass in my hand and I just wanted to end it. I had a connection with this building. It was abandoned and derelict and no use for anyone. I felt like a little child so lost and worthless.

As I sat there contemplating what to do, I remember feeling I wasn’t on my own. I felt God was there with me pulling me from those steps and telling me to go home.

I felt seen.

In Genesis chapter 16, Sarai was mistreating Hagar so much that she couldn’t take anymore. As a result, Hagar felt so distressed that she ran away to the desert. Whilst she was in the desert, God had seen what she was going through. He met her where she was a guided her back home.

This God is able to see people in every situation, from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. Especially when we are at our lowest. God is still the same today as He was with Hagar. He never changes. I have felt this on a number of occasions. He can do the same for you too.

Something to think about…

Why not have a go at personalising Genesis 16:13 and re-write in your own words what you feel God is saying to you. You could also use my version and change to your own name. 

Lynne, I have seen you. I see you in every situation you are in. You are not alone. I have plans to bless you because of what you have suffered.

If you enjoyed reading my thoughts on today’s Bible affirmation then why not catch up on my other thoughts for previous days.

31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 15 – I Am A Mighty Warrior

31 Days of Bible Affirmations - Day 15 - I Am A Mighty Warrior
31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 15 – I Am A Mighty Warrior

I Am A Mighty Warrior

When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior.” “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about when they said, ‘Did not the LORD bring us up out of Egypt?’ But now the LORD has abandoned us and given us into the hand of my Midian.” The LORD turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?”
Judges 6:12-14

There has been a calling in my life which I have felt for a long while.  (I have previously shared that I have chosen to stand for justice for all those who have suffered sexual abuse). I also knew that my calling was going to be a battle fighting against the status quo. With this in mind, and knowing what odds I am up against, it’s only natural to feel inadequate. 

There have been lots of times where I have felt overwhelmed by what lies ahead. So many people are blind to what is going on around them. Some of which, sadly, is by choice. Others choose to ignore because that is what is easiest. 

When I am faced with the enormity of what I am up against, part of me is scared to make myself known. I feel a little like Gideon and question God if He’s got the right person. It would be so much easier to slip quietly back into the background. 

But God sees me as a mighty warrior.

So how do I keep going in this battle? With God of course! I can’t fight this battle on my own. However, God believes in me and He knows what I am capable of. Also, with God beside me and His strength within me, I can do so much more. I am a mighty warrior – watch out people! 

Something to think about…

Why not have a go at personalising Judges 6:12-14 and re-write in your own words what you feel God is saying to you. You could also use my version and change to your own name.

Lynne, I am with you, mighty warrior. You do not need to doubt yourself. I know there is a big battle out there, but you need to remember I am always on your side. You have my strength which I have given you. Use it in my name, mighty warrior.

Something to listen to…

If you enjoyed reading my thoughts on today’s Bible affirmation then why not catch up on my other thoughts for previous days.

31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 14 – Songs of Affirmation

31 Days of Bible Affirmations - Day 14 - Songs of Affirmation
31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 14 – Songs of Affirmation

Songs of Affirmation

On the days when it’s hard to focus and everything feels like it’s caving in I listen to worship music. Music is a great way to help lift the soul and to bring us out of the dark times. I find listening to songs of affirmation really help me to regain my thoughts to shift my focus back to where it should be. I have listed below a few of my go-to songs that help lift me up.

Lauren Daigle – You Say

Lauren Daigle’s music is really powerful, but ‘You Say’ especially speaks to me when I struggle to believe who I am in Christ. Let these words especially sink into your heart today…

You say I am loved when I can’t feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
You say I am held when I am falling short
When I don’t belong, oh You say that I am Yours
Shattered – Blanca

This song for me describes exactly what its like to be a survivor of sexual abuse. It’s also a beautiful reminder of what God can do for us when we feel we are at our lowest of lows. He can restore!

How Deep the Father’s Love For Us – Stuart Townsend

This song sums up exactly what God did for us to show us how much he actually loves us. Stuart Townsend has written beautifully how much Jesus suffered on the cross and how much pain was inflicted. It brings to mind for me that Jesus knows how much pain we have gone through ourselves. Yet he chose to die to take all this pain away.

Who You Say I Am – Hillsong Worship

As someone who didn’t see their dad much growing up because he was too busy working, this song speaks to me. It shows me how much God loves me as His own child.

If you enjoyed reading my thoughts on today’s Bible affirmation then why not catch up on my other thoughts for previous days.

31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 13 – I Am Enough

31 Days of Bible Affirmations - Day 13 - I Am Enough
31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 13 – I Am Enough

I Am Enough

I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]
Philippians 4:13 (Amplified Bible)

I never use to think I could write very well. My English teacher was not very impressed with me or my work. She picked on me at every moment. Eventually I lost interest in her lessons and just felt I wasn’t good enough.

I failed part of my English GCSE. This resulted in me having to retake my GCSE when I went to college to study my A Levels. As a result, the feeling of not being good enough to write carried through for the rest of my life. Even to the point when I started to host my own blog.

As you can probably imagine, this was not the only area where I felt I wasn’t enough. I felt inadequate in most aspects with what I have experienced in my life. Maybe you feel you have some areas in your life where you feel the same? Do you feel you are not strong enough? Or when it comes to raising children you don’t feel patient enough. Maybe you don’t feel you have enough experience to do your job.

When we struggle with these feelings of being inadequate and not enough, we need to remember we have someone with us. We have a God who lives within us who is able to help us perform whatever we need to do. Imagine what we can do once we let go of the lies that hold us back.

When we grasp hold of the truth we are more than enough because of Who is inside us, there will be no limits in achieving what God has called us to do. 5 years later I still host my blog and I know I am touching people with the words that I write.

When we grasp hold of the truth we are more than enough because of Who is inside us, there will be no limits in achieving what God has called us to do. Share on X
Something to think about…

Why not have a go at personalising Philippians 4:13. I love the amplified version of this Bible reading as there is so much that can be personalised. Each time we change the word I to our own name, or the word me to you, it brings a new meaning. You can also highlight certain words to emphasise a little more. Why not try it for yourself.

Lynne, you can do all things [which He has called you to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers you [to fulfill His purpose—Lynne, you are self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; You are ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses you with inner strength and confident peace.]

If you enjoyed reading my thoughts on today’s Bible affirmation then why not catch up on my other thoughts for previous days.

31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 12 – I Am Not Alone

31 Days of Bible Affirmations - Day 12 - I Am Not Alone
31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 12 – I Am Not Alone

I am not Alone

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
    and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,
    and the flame shall not consume you.
Isaiah 43:2

At some point in our lives we will wonder whether God is here with us. Especially when we feel like we are suffering unjustly. Has He really forgotten about me? If He’s here, then why don’t I feel Him? Why do I feel alone?

It’s at times like these I need to remember to turn to scripture. I forget though. And that’s when I start to feel alone. If I turned to the Bible more often, it would provide me with the comfort and truth I need to know. God is always there.

He is there when I am in my darkest moments – Isaiah 41:10

God is there in every circumstance – Isaiah 43:2

He is there catching every tear – Psalm 56:8

Something to think about…

Why not have a go at personalising Isaiah 43:2 and re-write in your own words what you feel God is saying to you. I have chosen to write a poem to reflect these words today.

I Will be With You

I will be with you wherever you go,
Through the fire or through the snow.
I am with you in all of your life,
From the happy days and in your strife. 
I will be with you wherever you are,
Walking down the road or in your car.
I am with you in all of your days,
From start to finish in all your ways.
I will be with you wherever you’ll be,
Travelling on dry land or across the sea. 
I am with you to the end of your course,
From beginning to end I will be your force.
I will be with you come what may
From early morning to end of day.
I am with you to the end of time,
Just reach out your hand and you will grab mine.
© Lynne Cole

If you enjoyed reading my thoughts on today’s Bible affirmation then why not catch up on my other thoughts for previous days.