31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 25 – I Am Able To Do Hard Things

31 Days of Bible Affirmations - Day 25 - I am Able
31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 25 – I am Able

I am Able

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us
Ephesians 3:20 

When Paul wrote to the Ephesians, he was doing so stuck behind bars in prison. How he was able to do that is beyond me. It mustn’t have been easy for him. Think about it…

He was in a place so dark and he was on his own. That kind of solitary confinement doesn’t play well with the mind. Can you imagine what it must have been like? Maybe you can. Maybe you have been in a place where you feel so alone and there has been nothing but darkness around you. You don’t have to physically be in a cell to experience this.

When I find myself in these places, I feel abandoned. I subconsciously think that is what is going to happen. I forget that I am not alone. My experiences of what people did when I was younger left me believing that’s what God does now. He leaves me when I need Him most.

I then find myself believing I don’t need anyone around me. I’m so use to people letting me down that I feel I need to get through this on my own. I felt this a few months ago when I was trying to look for a job. I couldn’t feel God around me and I could feel myself spiralling down into a hole. It was lonely and dark.

How on Earth did Paul still keep the faith despite what he was going through? Where did he find the strength and power to carry on doing God’s work? How was he able to keep on going?

Paul knew the truth deep down in his heart. I forgot that we have a God who is able to do anything. In fact, God is able to do more than anything. He is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask for. Paul was saying to the Ephesians:

“Whatever situation I face, be it good or bad, I am able to come through to the other side because I rely on Jesus Christ for my strength”.

What a statement!

When I realised I needed to turn to God to get through this dark season, I came to Him with my whole being. There was no where else for me to turn to. I could no longer do this on my own strength. I realised I needed the strength of God.

God can take it. He can take anything that we throw at him. The power He has can accomplish things beyond our wildest imaginations. What happened when I started to lean into God’s strength? I got a job of course! Now I feel I am able to do anything? Why? Because I know that God is able to do immeasurably much more. And when I rely on His strength, so can I.

If you enjoyed reading my thoughts on today’s Bible affirmation then why not catch up on my other thoughts for previous days.

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