31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 21 – I’m Gonna be OK

31 Days of Bible Affirmations - Day 21 - I’m Gonna Be OK
31 Days of Bible Affirmations – Day 21 – I’m Gonna Be OK
“I️ have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world,” John 16:33

What do you do when challenges hit you? You know, those moments when it seems week after week something else crops up to try and get you down.

~Do you face them head on?
~Or do you shrink back and retreat?
~Maybe you look to something else for comfort?

When I am faced with a challenge, my default mechanism is to look to materialistic things to help me through; What does the internet have to say about this dilemma? I know, I will have a rant on Twitter about what I am going through. Or maybe I will post something on Facebook to see if I can find some support. Ultimately, there is always a nice glass of wine at the end of the day to make me feel better.

Does this sound familiar?

A lot of the time I am in despair at how I will get through these moments of crises. Time after time I react in the same way. “When will this end? I can’t take any more”. In these moments it all seems overwhelming.

I have been reminded of something this week though. Something that I need to hold on to when I go through these trials. It’s just one simple truth…I’m gonna be ok. Whatever I am going through, this too will pass, and I’m gonna be ok. I’m not alone either in my circumstances. I have a God who is constantly there in all my circumstances.

Even though I may forget, God never does. He is continually in front of me fighting for me. He is underneath me carrying me through my battles. God is also behind me giving me the strength I need to keep on going. He is around me protecting me along the way. More than that, He is right by my side guiding me the right way to go. And He is also over me covering me with His love.

God is doing all of this, and sometimes we are not even aware of the way He is working. Those moments when we are down on our knees sobbing our heart out, He is there. And this is why I am going to be ok.

Those moments when we are down on our knees sobbing our heart out, He is there. And this is why I am going to be ok. Click To Tweet
Something to think about…

Why not have a go at personalising John 16:33 and re-write in your own words what you feel God is saying to you. You could also use my version and change to your own name. 

Lynne, I know that this life you live is not going to be easy. There are always going to be trials and hard circumstances you will face. But you are gonna be ok. Why? Because I am here with you. If you believe and trust in me, I will give you the peace you need so you know you are going to be ok. Lynne, have courage and do not fear. I have overcome the world, and that ultimately includes whatever you are facing.

Something to listen to…

A friend sent me a song this week as a gentle reminder that I am going to be ok. If anyone is feeling the same way, I want to encourage you to not give up. You are going to be ok.

If you enjoyed reading my thoughts on today’s Bible affirmation then why not catch up on my other thoughts for previous days.

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