Day 4 in God’s Love – Overcoming Obstacles

Yesterday I wrote about God’s love being unconditional. Whatever we have done or been through, He loves us no matter what. Realising this truth is the first step. Accepting unconditional love, however, takes it to a whole new level.

I’m going to be honest now (when am I not!) This is the bit I really struggle with. I know God loves me unconditionally, but believing it for myself is really hard to accept.

Through experiences in my life I have come to believe I am not worthy of receiving such love. Why would someone love another person when they are “damaged goods”? That’s the way the world sees it, right? If something is second hand, damaged or used, then the value of its worth is questioned.

Overcoming our obstacles

This is what I believe God thinks about me. Why would God love someone who has been used? Would God really love someone who has had something so shameful done to them? After all, if the world sees something marred and rejects it then surely God does too.

Or does He?

This is what the enemy wants me to think. I know in my mind this isn’t true. But when years of hurt overpower what is really true, it seems more believable. Somehow, I need to overcome this obstacle. God does love me. Nothing in this world will ever come between the Love He has for me.

Accepting unconditional love

I love this translation from the New Living Translation. “Not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” What I endured when I was younger was the powers of hell and when I read this line it choked me. It’s there in black and white. My past will not come between me and the love of my God.

“Not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” My past will not come between me and the love of my God. Click To Tweet

Something to think about…

Is there something in your life which is holding you back from knowing the truth? Name it and believe that it is from the powers of hell. Now read over the Bible verse and say it out aloud. Especially the verse “Not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” let this sink into your heart. I know that is what I am going to try and do.


Lord, we all have something in our life holding us back from believing the truth that you love us. Help us to overcome these obstacles and move forwards. Help us to sink into the knowledge that you truly love us. There is nothing that will ever separate us from that. Amen.

One thought on “Day 4 in God’s Love – Overcoming Obstacles”

  1. Lynne those amazing words from Paul are really all we need, but as you rightly said, the old devil gets into our thinking to try and convince us that we are unworthy. Hey, get out of here Satan, because we are loved and in being loved we are forgiven! Praise our amazing Saviour !

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