When preparation at Christmas nearly failed

In a season where I wanted to prepare my heart during advent, I found myself cluttering my soul.

Where I wanted to create an anticipation about Christmas, I created disorder and chaos with the mountain of things that needed doing…and it all nearly came crashing down.

Where I wanted to find truth in this season, I found I was deceiving myself by filling up my precious time with things that could have waited.

Tomorrow is Christmas Day! This may fill you with dread at the thought that there is still lots to do. I’m at the point, for the first time since forever, that every present is wrapped, the turkey has been cooked…and carved…and I’ve sat down to have a glass of wine before going out to midnight mass at my church. I’m usually up until 3am still wrapping presents!

After all the hype of trying to prepare everything for Christmas, I struggled to prepare what I needed to most of all…my heart. This morning, part of me thought that it’s too late to do it now. I mean, it’s now the 24th December and I’ve had all this time to prepare myself for Jesus and I’ve failed.

Shall I let you into a secret though? I had a bit of a lightbulb moment when I was wallowing in this self pity of not preparing myself enough.

It is NEVER too late to prepare your heart to receive Jesus. It doesn’t even have to be advent…or Christmas Day. You can prepare your heart anytime…and you don’t need smelly candles or books (although they are nice). All you need is you.

God is near to us, folks. He is here in our midst. All we need to do is be present.

God is near to us, folks. He is here in our midst. All we need to do is be present. Click To Tweet

1 Timothy 1 15-16
The saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the foremost. But for that very reason I received mercy, so that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display the utmost patience, making me an example to those who would come to believe in him for eternal life.

Something to think about…

How can you make sure that you are present as God is in your midst?


Lord, as we rush around this season preparing for what is to come, soften our hearts so that we will receive what you have for us. Jesus Christ, born as a baby into a world full of messes. You are here with us now in the midst of our messes. Let us have our hearts open to receive you. Amen

2 thoughts on “When preparation at Christmas nearly failed”

  1. What precious thoughts Lynne, thank you for sharing again. I can concur with all you have said, and sometimes the busyness is related to activities and ministry through our respective churches, i know it is for me! I still need to learn to be a Mary rather than a Martha, i still need to make those moments to be alone with the Lord. This is my goal – yet again – for the new year! God bless you and your lovely family in 2018 and keep writing, you have so much to offer! It is a gift from the Lord, so use it. Xxx

    1. Learning to say yes to the right things is hard. We need to learn to say yes to the right things and not feel guilty when we have said no to others. You may be interested in looking at one of my friends’ websites as she talks about making rest a rhythm in our lives and not feeling guilty about letting go of what holds us back. Her website is http://www.shellymillerwriter.com. She has some great things to say. Thank you so much for your encouragement too. I really appreciate it. 😊

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