Precious Child – I Have Been Carrying You


I am taking part in a writing series called “Write 31 Days series”. This is where writers will write on a certain topic every day for the whole month of October. The one that I am taking part in, along with a number of other writers, is 31 Days of Miracles: Who is Our God and this is hosted by two inspiring people: Anna Louise Smit and Debbie Barrow Michael

Today, I share Part 2 of my story on their website (Part 1 is located here). See below for a snippet…

The second miracle…
My pregnancy was pretty average. No complaints. I had the usual morning sickness, but to be honest, I just ate more. I love my food, so for once I didn’t feel guilty about how much I ate and what I ate. You could say that this was turning out to be a text book pregnancy (if there is such a thing).
Until one day, our whole world changed in 10 minutes! The week prior to this earth shattering moment, I started to feel ill. Not just the usual morning sickness though. I had blurred vision, dizziness, sickness, I couldn’t stop sleeping, really bad headaches and heart burn like I had eaten a vindaloo twice over . . . classic symptoms of pre-eclampsia – but I didn’t know this. I just put it down to feeling tired and I was entering my third trimester. This was normal, wasn’t it?
A week later after the symptoms started, as we came home from church, I sat on the sofa with my hubby discussing what we were going to do about the nursery. We were going to go out that afternoon to get things prepared. I was at 31 weeks and 4 days at this point, so we thought it was time to get ready.
We had only sat down for 10 minutes, and it hit me. Excruciating pain…

If you would like find out what happens next, then hop on over to Anna’s site to read the full version of part 2.

Thank you for taking the time to read. If you like what you have read today, then please leave me a comment and let me know what you thought.