Day 15 – When?

The one question I always get asked, surprisingly, is when are you due? You might as well ask, “When is God going to turn up?” Well, how long is a piece of string? In other words, I have no idea when the babies will come…or when God will turn up!

My official due date is 16th January, but I have been advised we’re going try and get me to 37 weeks. This makes my due date Boxing Day…of all days! The most loveliest time of the year, but yet the most frantic one. Let’s just say I already started buying presents and wrapping them a few weeks ago.

I don’t know when the big day will happen. It could be tomorrow (hopefully not though), or it could be Boxing Day. I don’t know when God will turn up either. (Notice I said when God will turn up and not if God will turn up). I know for sure in my heart, that just like these babies will be born, God will surely be there too!

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! Psalm 27:14

You are reading day 15 of the Write 31 Days Challenge in conjunction with The Five Minute Friday Community. Today’s word prompt is ‘when’.

Day 14 – Ask and it Shall be Given

For the last six months, ever since I found out I was pregnant, I have been scared. Scared of many things, from getting through the pregnancy without any complications, to coping with newborn twins whilst still raising my other 3 children.

Continue reading Day 14 – Ask and it Shall be Given

Day 12 – Give Praise Where it’s Due

I knew a young girl who played a musical instrument. She was pretty good. Ok, so she didn’t practice a whole heap. Who does when they are young? Going out with friends seems far more enticing. Continue reading Day 12 – Give Praise Where it’s Due

Day 11 – My Door is Always Open

Have you ever had anyone say to you, “my door is always open”? It may have been a colleague at work, or even your boss. You know the moment when you start a new job and a passing comment is said at the end.

“My door is always open.”

Continue reading Day 11 – My Door is Always Open

Encouraging hope in a broken world

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