Lockdown Day 5

Thursday was a day where we celebrated Maundy Thursday. It is where we learn what it truly means to dwell in Christ’s love. In turn, we then learn how we can love each other. We look at how Jesus acts, the words He teaches and how He prays. It is the origins from which the life of the Church, and the life as a Christian, stems from.

Dwell in His presence

On Maundy Thursday, Jesus shared His last meal with His friends before He is killed. This is known as the Last Supper. Through the breaking of the bread and the sharing of the wine, He shows His disciples a way in how they could still dwell with Him as well as with each other.

Jesus is nearing His final hour where He will be mercilessly taken from them. He will experience the most darkest moment when He is betrayed. Brutally, he then suffers the shame on the cross.

They don’t realise this yet, but the gifts Jesus is teaching the disciples in the Last Supper will be crucial for them. Especially as they see the brutality Jesus experiences over the next few days. He is teaching them how He stays with them during hard times. This is crucial for us too.

How Jesus dwells with us

When Jesus shared the bread and the wine, He gave the disciples the gift of himself. When Jesus washed their feet, He showed them the gift of serving in love. Jesus showed them a new way to live which went against what society expected. They didn’t know it yet, but they were going to change the world!

Through the breaking of the bread, the disciples learnt a new way in how to dwell in Christ’s presence. Through the washing of the feet, they also learnt a new way in how they are to treat others in times of hardship. We are learning this too right now. We can still dwell in Christ during this outbreak. Furthermore, we can learn new ways in how we can reach others.

Jesus, through the Last Supper, came to meet our needs. He showed us how we are to be with one another. We need to show love in action. Not a love which is powerful, but a love that is humble.

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.“ John 13:34

Something to think about…

In a time where we are supposed to keep barriers up between us due to social distancing, let’s not put up imaginary barriers to stop us from serving. Let it not stop you from loving like Jesus loves which breaks down all barriers.

We can meet the needs of others by providing food for one another. We can minister to people by connecting with each other. It can be a simple phone call or an exchange of e-mails. We live in an age now where we are no longer limited to the old fashion way of connecting. It can be a simple phone call or an exchange of e-mails. Let’s become a community that knows how to love each other, just as Christ first loved us.

Let’s become a community that knows how to love each other, just as Christ first loved us. Share on X


God, thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ. May we grasp hold of the knowledge that Jesus shared His life with us so that we can dwell in Him always. Jesus will experience the most darkest moment of His life, but that didn’t stop Him from loving His people. Help us to be an example of what Jesus taught us on His last night. May we reach out to others to show them the love Jesus shows us. Amen.


Lockdown Day 4

We live in a terrifying world. Or so I thought. This was before the pandemic started. I was beginning to think we lived in a place that had lost its way. Knowing what God’s plan was in this world was hard to vision.

Know God’s Plan

It felt like the world was spiralling out of control. People were fighting against each other. The newspapers were always reporting on someone being shot or stabbed. The worse thing was that it was often young people doing the killing, or being killed. I just kept thinking it was such a waste of life, on both sides.

People took things for granted. Me included. We have a free health service in our country, which is open to anyone who resides here. Not many other countries have this option in their system. We have access to the best medicine and healthcare in the world. Free of charge.

We also take for granted we can buy groceries. Every village in this country will probably have some form of shop that sells food. There is probably a supermarket in every major town. We have access to some of the best food. And what about the takeaways and restaurants we have? The possibilities are endless.

Four months ago, I bet you didn’t expect to not see your friends either? How easily we could see each other and hug one another. Now we just wave from a distance, if we are lucky. Some people are isolated and have no contact with anyone at all.

What is God’s plan?

It was not God’s plan to infect us with the virus. I believe He knew this was going to happen though.

“You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely.” Psalm 139:2-4

I do feel God has a plan to use what is happening to bring us all closer together. It’s already happening. People are starting to come together to help each other. Those that were once forgotten are being remembered again. The people who were once isolated from society are now at the forefront of people’s minds. We want to care more for those who are vulnerable.

What does God help us see?

We are now realising how grateful we should be to be able to get a bag of pasta, or even toilet paper! Every day luxuries have been taken away. The fish and chip supper on a Friday night. Take away pizza in front of the television with the family. A celebration of a birthday at your favourite place to eat. All things we took for granted.

Most of all, we are reminded how fragile life is. The message that is drummed out every where we go: Stay home. Stay safe. Save lives. We realise in a time like this how precious our NHS is and how much we need it. We learn to value our lives and that of others around us.

God is working through all this, despite what some people may think. There is evidence all around us. God is working in the person who decides to love their neighbour as themselves.

He’s in the person who is deciding to stay at home although it causes a great inconvenience to them. But this is how they know to help save lives. Staying home is a small price to pay.

God is in every front line worker who continually puts themselves at risk. Every doctor, nurse and health care worker. Even the person behind the checkout in the supermarket. They are all working so we can live.

Something to think about…

In the moments where you feel the weight of not knowing how God is working through all this, take a moment to have a look at what is around you. Have a look in your home and be thankful for the food you have in your cupboard. Thank Him for the opportunities we have to connect with others through social media. Most of all, thank God for working through those who are working to save our lives.


Thank you God for the reminder we are not in control of situations around us. You not only know what is happening in our lives, but You have a plan for it too. Thank you for the reminder we need be grateful for all things – for our food and for simple necessities like toilet paper. Thank You Lord for the reminder of how precious and fragile life is. Help us to take the time to protect it. Amen.


Lockdown Day 3

Having 5 children in the house makes it quite a noisy one. There never seems to be a moments peace. It’s either babies screaming, kids laughing and playing, or worse, bickering and fighting.

There’s always one word that never fails to carry above all the noise though. Mummy! In most situations they call me in, they need some form of reassurance or comfort. They need me to calm them down and to let them know it’s going to be ok.

Don’t we all need that though?

It’s not just children who need to be comforted and reassured. We do have a name we can call on. It doesn’t matter how much noise there is around us either. We can call on this name, day or night, and He will hear us. What is the name?


For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon You. Psalm 86:5

Call on Jesus and be calm

We are in a world now where getting in touch with other people can be a little hard. We have internet, which provides a whole new way of connecting with other people. But can you really connect with someone who is not physically there with you? It’s not easy.

I may not see Jesus physically, but He is there. He is waiting for us to call on His name and talk to Him. And when we do, He will be hanging on every word we say and connecting in with us. Jesus wants to connect in with us, and no lockdown order can stop Him!

Jesus wants to connect in with us, and no lockdown order can stop Him! Share on X

Something to think about…

You may be wondering what use is it talking to someone you can’t see. I think the well known hymn by Alan Jackson sums it up well.

What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear. 
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O, what peace we often forfeit,
O, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

Tell Jesus everything. Absolutely everything! From your good days to your down right crappy days. He wants to hear it all. You could be surprised at how much calmer you may feel afterwards.


Lord, we find it so much harder these days to open up and talk. We feel isolated because of the situation around us. Help us, Lord, to realise you are still here right beside us, now more than ever. You will listen to whatever we want to tell you and I thank you for listening. We need a friend so much right now to calm us down from all the noise around us. Lord, please be that friend to us and quieten our hearts and comfort us. I ask in Jesus name, Amen.


Observe His Word and His teaching

Yesterday I wrote worrying about the future doesn’t do us any favours. It takes away the joy we can have today. So, what can we do to help us take our minds off the noise going on around us when in lockdown? 

Learn to lock-in during lockdown

I have experienced issues with my hearing for as long as I can remember. As a child, I was affected with numerous ear infections. Over the years I have had various operations to try and help reduce what I have been experiencing.

More recently I have been suffering with a condition called Tinnitus. This is where you hear a ringing, buzzing or humming in your head or ear. Sometimes the noise can be so loud it distracts you from doing every day normal things. 

Research has shown that stress and anxiety can often make tinnitus symptoms worse. I’m pretty sure the current coronavirus situation and the enforced isolation of social distancing would be classed as a stressful situation. 

One of the ways to help alleviate stress and reduce tinnitus is by relaxing more. Another solution to help reduce tinnitus is to try and block out the noise and to focus on something else. Focussing on the tinnitus can sometimes make it worse. 

Cancelling out the noise in lockdown

This is the same with our current situation. There is so much in the news and on social media about the Coronavirus and lockdown that we don’t know what to listen to. So much noise that it can make us apprehensive and stressed. 

The solution I use to help with tinnitus can also be used in the current situation we find ourselves in with the Coronavirus lockdown. We need to find a way of cancelling out the noise going on around us and focussing on what is important. 

One way to do that is to focus on His Word. We don’t need to read whole books of the Bible. We just need to find those nugget verses that help us to get through the stressful times. 

Here are a few to help…

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand” Isaiah 41:10

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6

Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take”

“I am leaving you with a gift–peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27

“…God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” So we can say with confidence, “The LORD is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” Hebrews 13:5-6

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Something to think about…

Do you have a favourite go-to scripture? Why not write it out on some card and stick it somewhere prominent. That way it acts as a reminder when distractions start to get louder. Why not share your scripture in the comments below for others to read. 


Lord, thank You for Your Word and for the truth within its pages. Please help me not to be distracted with the noise of the world around me, but to set my mind on things above. I ask you to keep all distractions away so I can soak in the truth if Your Word. Thank You that You are here with me wherever I go and that I do not need to fear what is around in this world. Amen. 

Lockdown-Holy Week Reflections-Day 1

Lockdown – Day 1

The last couple of weeks have been interesting to say the least. When the government announced on 26th March that our country was going into lockdown, panic ensued. The thought of not seeing our friends or family for weeks, maybe months on end brought about a sense of fear. 

But do we really need to be afraid?

This is the question I ask myself and the answer has taken me a while to lock into. The answer is found in the Word itself. 


Over the next week, starting today on Palm Sunday and finishing on Easter Sunday, I am going to be looking at what each of these letters can mean to us. I will focus on how we can use lockdown as a way of not being fearful, but being fearless. 

Let’s not be afraid of the unknown. In this time of uncertainty, let’s come closer to the One who wants to be known to us. 

Let’s not be afraid of the unknown. In this time of uncertainty, let’s come closer to the One who wants to be known to us.  Share on X

Let Go and Let God

Four months ago I had never heard about Coronavirus, let alone think I could ever be affected by it. Who could have predicted the whole world being on total lockdown? I had plans, which I’m sure we all did. 

This week should have seen me having an operation which I needed, and I should be in bed right now recovering from it. A month ago I was assured there was no need to worry about my operation being cancelled. Two weeks later, surely enough it was. 

Secretly, I think my husband is pleased. And I guess I am in a way too. Who wants to be in a hospital in a time like this? The safest place is to be at home. Right?

We were both concerned about me having an operation at this time. As much as it was needed to improve my health, we thought it would be compromised more given the situation we are facing. 

Let God Worry

There have been a few instances like this over the past month where I have been concerned about situations. One by one though I have seen events be cancelled and opportunities taken away. 

Usually when this happens, I go into this downward spiral and start to wonder why all this would be happening. “Why me, God? Why me?” Instead, I find myself in a place where, although there is a little anxiety about what is going on (I won’t lie about that) I feel a sense that God is here and He has this in His hands. 

Worrying about the future does us no favours at all. It takes away the joy we can have today. When we allow ourselves to dwell on what may or may not happen, we end up losing out on the gift we are given. Today. This is why it’s called the present.

There are a lot of unknowns in this world today, and that’s probably the understatement of the century! Why not trust God with our future so we can focus on what takes place today?

Matthew 6:34: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Something to think about…

Letting go and letting God is not easy. I get that! Start with the small things you are holding close to you. One by one, you will start to feel lighter. It may be surprising how free you feel and how unafraid you may be once you do let go.


Lord, letting go of all our worries about the current situation we are facing is super hard. We are afraid of the unknown. But you Lord, are not afraid. You know everything that is going to happen. Prise our hands away from gripping tightly onto what we do not know. Worrying about the unknown does us no good. Instead, help us to open our hands to the gift you have given right in front of us. A new day. Help us to focus on what we can change today and let you carry tomorrow in your hands. In your name, Amen. 

Encouraging hope in a broken world

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