Day 6 – Longing to Belong?

When I was about 16 I decided to put my church to “the test”. I was at the age where I wanted something different. I was young and wanted to be known and used in some way with my faith. I felt a lot of people looked down on me because of my age and who I was.

It’s the age that is kind of make or break with a lot of teenagers. You were either looked upon for not doing enough, but then not given the chance to do anything. I felt alone and isolated and I wanted to be my own person and not in the shadow of my parents.

I just wanted to belong.

I decided to stand to one side one Sunday…out of the way…inconspicuous. I wanted to see how many people would take notice of me. Very few did. In fact, not one person came up and welcomed me. It was probably because I was the daughter of the person behind the pulpit. Welcome my parents and that includes the whole family.

I decided from that day to move to another church. A place where I could be accepted for myself. A place to belong. Sure enough, I was welcomed with open arms and I, along with others of my age, were given opportunities to shine.

It shouldn’t really matter who we are and where we go. Whether we are young or old, black or white, male or female. We are all one in Jesus Christ. We all belong.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 8:28

You are reading day 6 of the Write 31 Days Challenge in conjunction with The Five Minute Friday Community. Today’s word prompt is ‘belong’.

Thank you for taking the time to read. If you like what you have read today, then please leave me a comment and let me know what you thought.