Category Archives: Faith

Day 21 – Start in the Right Way

Ever since we found out I was pregnant with twins, we have been looking at how we can get our other children a little more independent. We know looking after twins with three other children isn’t going to be easy. Actually, it’s probably going to be down right hard work.

We needed our children to be a little more self-sufficient. I know it might help me in the long run, but it will also help them. As parents, we can’t keep following behind them cleaning up their messes. They will need to learn to start clearing up after themselves.

So, we started a routine with them. One which we hope will stay with them for a long time. Maybe even until they have their own kids in which they can pass their wisdom on to. Who knows? All we can do is hope and pray that what we teach our kids now, will stay with them and they will not turn from it.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

You are reading day 21 of the Write 31 Days Challenge in conjunction with The Five Minute Friday Community. Today’s word prompt is ‘start’.

Day 20 – Who is our Audience?

Whenever we are praising God, or maybe taking part in a service, who is our audience? When you are raising your hands in the air, who are you most concerned with impressing?

Is it the person sat next to you, who’s been in the same seat for the last 20 years? Or are you taking part because it’s what is expected?

Continue reading Day 20 – Who is our Audience?

Day 19 – Who do You say I am?

In Matthew 15:16, Jesus asks His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied with, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God”. Jesus is known as many more names though, such as Teacher, Saviour and Healer. The list goes on.

Here are my thoughts on what I think Jesus is…

Continue reading Day 19 – Who do You say I am?

Day 18 – Searching for Sheep

I love the story about the lost sheep. You know where the sheep goes wandering off somewhere and ends up getting stuck?

The shepherd realises he is missing a sheep after counting them all. He should have 100, but instead has 99. So, he goes trundling off searching for him. He searches high and low, far and wide, leaving the other 99 behind. He doesn’t stop until the last sheep is found.

When he finds the lost sheep, he rejoices so much that he calls all his friends up and let’s them know the good news – He has found his lost sheep.

You may think this is an odd thing to do. After all, it’s only one sheep. Why risk the other 99? But that sheep was so important to the shepherd. He was willing to leave the others and risk his own life just for the sake of one.

Do you know who the shepherd and the sheep represents? Well, God is the shepherd and we are the sheep. And do you know what? When we lose our way in life and stray off, God will search high and low for us to bring us back. And when we do come back, he will be rejoicing until the cows come home (or sheep in this case)!

You can read the story in Luke 15:3-7. There is also a very powerful and uplifting song about how much God loves us and would do anything to bring us back into His fold. It’s called Reckless Love by Cory Asbury.

If you are searching for God’s love today, listen to the song and see how much God is searching for you.

You are reading day 18 of the Write 31 Days Challenge in conjunction with The Five Minute Friday Community. Today’s word prompt is ‘search’.