All posts by Lynne

The Gift of Life: A Miracle in God’s Beautiful Timing

This story first appeared as a feature on  Anna Smit and Debbie Barrow Michael’s blog as part of their 31 day write on Miracles.  It featured over two days because it wasn’t just one miracle that took place. A few days ago (4th January) was my daughters birthday and I have chosen to share the whole of my story here.

Being a Christian, I probably should automatically believe in miracles because of the whole “Jesus turning water into wine” thing, etc. Honestly though? These were just like stories to me…until I experienced my own miracles! I pray that whoever reads this will see that miracles, in whatever shape or form, are possible, and only by God’s loving grace.

Continue reading The Gift of Life: A Miracle in God’s Beautiful Timing

Why Wait Until the New Year to Change?


We can breath now and let out that big sigh of relief…*SIGH*…All the rushing around before Christmas, getting stressed out and making sure that everything was ready in time, is now all over. The “day” has been and gone.



We are still finding wrapping paper in places we hadn’t opened presents…There is still that brussel sprout somewhere on the floor that pinged off the plate during the Christmas meal (funny how it pings in one direction and it ends up in a completely different place. I’m sure it will come to light some day!) The children are back to arguing over who wants to play with what present (they seem to have more energy now after the event than before, and we are absolutely wiped out!)

Do you know what day is coming up next though? New. Years. Day. We start to prepare ourselves in a different way. Instead of preparing ourselves physically like we did for Christmas…making sure that we had everything in order, we prepare ourselves mentally. We think about the year that we have had and wonder what year we are going to get. Will we have a good year filled with wonderful surprises and blessings, or will it be a year where yet again a loved one is lost, or we face some kind of difficult circumstance that we have to work through.

This is the time of the year where we start to count down the days to when we can start things over again. Let’s forget about the year that we have gone through and look forward to starting afresh. We think about the New Year’s resolutions that we could make and wonder how long we can keep them for this time. We perceive the New Year as a time where we think that things will change. A time where we say we will do things differently.

Instead of thinking that we could actually change right here, right now, we carry on in our own sweet way and justify our current thinking with, “the New Year is coming soon, so I will re-start then. What does it matter?”

Why wait for the New Year though? What is so special about it? I mean, in reality, it really is just another day. If you want to make a difference to your life, why not just start right now? Why wait until the world says it starts on 1st January?

How you change what is happening in your life and the circumstances around you is determined on how you perceive situations and how you learn from them.


How you perceive what is happening in your life is what makes you feel whether you have succeeded in making a change in your life for the better.

Do you see that you have failed as a parent when you lost it for two seconds because the kids were screaming at each other? Or do you see that you are a parent that is so physically tired that you don’t give yourself a break because you always put your kids first?

Do you know what helps me to think that I don’t need to wait until January 1st to start afresh? Why I can start afresh at anytime? I have God’s amazing grace with me. This is why my perspective is different. I know that I can get through any day with God by my side. If I mess up, which often happens, I know that God is there ready and waiting for me with His abundant grace.


When we have a grip of God’s grace, we can then learn to take hold of our messes from the previous day and use them to clean up on our act for the next day.

Why don’t you join me in starting afresh right now and take hold of that amazing Grace that God will give you?

Under The Weather


This was me last week under the covers, with the fire on. I was feeling a bit fed up and sorry for myself with constantly not feeling well. I just wanted to get better. I wanted to be able to get up in the morning and feel like I hadn’t got something else wrong with me.

I apologise right now if I come across a little bit moany or ungrateful. I know that I should be thankful for the health that I do have. I know I’m not dying. I’m just saying how I feel at the moment, which is just a little bit crappy really. I’m just being honest.

I am 95% there now with my back and it’s great to be able to walk properly again. I can now keep up with the kids a bit more, which is kind of important when you are trying to catch them at something…and walking up the stairs doesn’t take me half an hour now!

I was ill last week though with a cold, topped off with an ear infection in both ears.  Dizziness… headaches… sneezing… feeling sick… earache… sore throat… aching… I think I will stop there!

I was trying to work out earlier when the last time was when I actually felt fit and healthy. You know where you can bounce out of bed and feel on top of the world.  I think it’s been a little over a year now to say the least. It feels a bit ridiculous, and frustrating at the same time, that I always have something wrong with me – and it’s been for so long.

Have you ever felt like that?


It’s been one thing after another.  And honestly, when you feel a little bit under the weather, it is hard to feel positive. My friends probably look at me and think, “what’s wrong with her now?” I know I do!

There is something keeping me going through all this though…my faith. My faith gives me perseverance to carry on. I’m not saying it’s easy and that I don’t struggle, coz I do. Oh my word, do I struggle. So much so, that sometimes all I can do is just cry and shout out to God.

Shout out to God? Yeah, I shout at Him…I tell Him EXACTLY how I feel.  Why not? That’s what He’s there for after all.

When you are trying to look after yourself, and you have three little ones around you that are not well either…well, it’s blinkin’ hard! But somehow, I cope. I might not feel like I am at the time, but I do get through it. I can only believe that God is providing me with the grace and strength that I need to get through each day. He will never give me more than what I can cope with. I know that.


If you are going through something right now, and you are finding it hard to cope,  hang in there. You may not feel it right now, but God is there right beside you…and He will not let you fall.

Motherhood. How hard is it???

MOTHERHOOD IS VERY HARD!!!  No-one really sits down to tell you this before you have your first child.  No-one really tells you about the lack of sleep that you will have… or that you will have days where everything just seems so hard to cope with that you just want to curl up and cry.

I have 3 children (two girls aged 7 and 6 and one boy at 4 years old).  Yes, at one point in my life I could say that I had three kids all under the age of three!


How on Earth did we think that this was a good idea at the time? We often got comments from people that we were either very brave, or just absolutely mad!  I am still trying to work out which one we are!

My husband is an only child and he is the last one alive to carry on his family name. I so wanted a boy so that we could do this.  Well, third time lucky and I got my wish.  And boy, didn’t I know about it.  Let’s put it this way…We did originally want a big family and to have 4 children, but having my little man has absolutely wiped me out.  Being constantly knackered is no fun. The sleepless nights that I had for the first 2-3 years of his life were awful.

I remember one night it felt like the kids were playing tag during the night and each one were taking it in turns to get up.  I had one child awake screaming because she was teething… oh, and did she have a pair of lungs on her! Once she was dosed up and settled, my other daughter woke up coughing and spluttering. She had one of those irritating coughs that once it starts, it just doesn’t stop.

If that wasn’t enough, my son then had a sickness bug and he really knew how to throw up.  It was the projectile type of throwing up.  You needed to duck and get out of the way before it was all over you.  I walked in to him crying and I lifted him out of his bed and it hit me… literally! I was absolutely covered from head-to-toe in vomit.  It was horrendous!


I got through those horrendous nights though.  It DOES get a little easier.  I do get SOME sleep now.  Admittedly, there are different challenges now though, and yes, I still find it hard to cope at times.  I’m just pleased that I am not where I was 3 years ago…


It’s hard to admit that, but yes, I did struggle.  It’s not easy trying to live up the expectations of a perfect mother.  It isn’t going to happen.  You just need to roll with it.

I just want to encourage anyone reading this that you are not on your own.  Feeling helpless is normal at a time when you are sleep deprived.  It WILL get better though.  Hang in there.  You are doing a wonderful job.

Line break

Finding a rhythm in my rest

For the last couple of months I have mentioned a great book a few times called “Rhythms of Rest” and how it is helping me to see how good rest is. I mean, resting is just as good as taking a pill! It’s the best medication that we can have.

Mind you, it’s fine me saying this now, but just a couple of weeks ago I must admit, I struggled. Why? Because I was in pain.

“But that is when you should rest, isn’t it?” I hear you say!

Yes, it is!

And did I?



When life is going well, advice is always easier to take on board. Situations seem to sail along quite calmly.  However, when the tide changes and the seas get a bit rougher, that’s when it’s hard to see the clear skies ahead.

A number of weeks ago, I had a great week making time each morning to read devotions and pray. During that week, I was really productive in getting as much done to prepare for the weekend…trying to get all the washing done (including folding it up and putting it away!) running all the errands that needed running, getting food in, cleaning the house…this was all in between working a full time job and having kids.  I think you get the picture.

What was so important at the weekend that I was breaking my back getting all this stuff done?  I was preparing to have a full day of rest on the Saturday.

Yes, you did read that correctly…A FULL DAY!!

Shock! Horror!!

To think a busy, working mum with 3 kids could actually do that. But I did…and it worked.

Kind of.

Don’t get me wrong, the day was fantastic. It’s what happened the following days later.


My mind was fully refreshed and charged up after a day of rest,  but my body was nudging me quietly and telling me something completely different.

Was I listening? Was I paying attention to the little signs?

Of course I wasn’t. I’m a stubborn northerner and I think I know best. Anyway, things needed to be done so there was no way that I could stop.

What happened though, was that I had done so much back-breaking rushing around during the week to prepare for one day, that I didn’t notice how tired I was really getting. I mean, tired to the point that I was struggling to stay awake.

After my day of rest, I went straight into rushing around again preparing for the next day of rest, which was to be a week later. In all the rushing around and not listening to my body, guess what?

Crack! I did my back in.  Doing what? Unloading the dishwasher. Of all things! Seriously!! Pain shot through my body.  How ironic that all the back-breaking work I put into having a Sabbath day actually made my back crack!

I really struggled the week that followed. To the point that I was walking like some old woman with a zimmer frame. I couldn’t lift anything. Every time I sat down it hurt. Every time I stood up it hurt. Every time I tried to walk it hurt. Even sleeping in bed hurt. Suffice to say, I think it hurt!

In Shelly Miller’s book “Rhythms Of Rest”, she writes about how we need to take baby steps towards achieving our Sabbath and how not to feel guilty in doing so.  She makes a whole heap of sense in her book, but unfortunately, like the true Northerner I am, I still really wasn’t taking it in.  I have learnt the hard, and painful, way of trying to rest with a rhythm .

Do you know what my problem was?  Why my back went out?  I hadn’t actually made rest as a rhythm.  The title of Shelly’s book really hit me at that point.  Sabbath is not just about one day, or a specific day.  Sabbath is spending time with God – whenever, wherever, and however. It doesn’t matter if I spend 10 minutes sitting on a bench thinking, or if I spend 10 minutes having a little snooze.

Seriously? Sleep? Yes! Why not? Oh how that was such a revelation to me.

When we make a special meal for someone, sometimes it’s not the first time we have tried to make it.  It might be 3 or 4 times before we perfect the dish, using different ingredients each time.  It’s kind of like that with Sabbath.   We are creating a special time with someone and it takes time to get the right ingredients, and plenty of trial runs!

I loved that day I had, spending time in His presence with my family.  I wanted that day again so much.  It’s just not going to happen though.  Not at the moment in the season that I am in anyway. Having a young family, a job that has a lot of pressure and is very physical,  outside commitments, my health, home stuff and being a wife, I struggle a whole heap.


I am slowly learning that not everything can be done at once.  I am also finding, just like my life, that I need to adapt more.  I need to be more flexible with my time and not to restrict myself too much.

Shelly covers all these issues, and a whole lot more in her book.  She shares encouraging stories and practical advice in a way that really helps to restore your soul. If you are finding, like me, that you are struggling a little and you need a bit of guidance, then may I suggest that you get her book.  It’s available right now through Amazon.

She has been doing a book tour in the US over the last couple of weeks spreading the message of her much needed book. She is coming back this week and will be launching her book in the U.K. very shortly.

She will be starting on Saturday 12th November with a book launch at the church I attend at St Barnabas in Kensington. If you are free, why don’t you come and join me and hear what she has to say in person. Believe me, in this busy world that we live in, her message is what we all need to hear.