Day 17 – Pause

The first time I knew what ‘pause’ really meant was a few years ago when my friend, Shelly Miller, wrote about resting. My life was really hectic and I felt like I couldn’t breath. I was tired.

Something had to give.

Shelly’s book, Rhythms of Rest, really helped me to change my thinking on how to truly pause and rest. This then gave me a new perspective on what really mattered.

Alongside her book, she brought out an E-book that gave little prompts on how to pause.


Permission: Give yourself permission to rest.

Ask: Seek help and accept that you won’t get everything done.

Unique: Personalize Sabbath according to the way God created you.

Simplify: Prepare ahead and make Sabbath doable.

Enjoy: Play, pray, be present with loved ones and progress toward contentment.

Would like to pause a bit more these days, but you’re not sure where to start? May I suggest you pop on over to Shelly’s site and sign up for her newsletter? When you sign up, you also get access to her E-book, ‘Pause’.

In her E-book, Shelly provides daily practical prompts, meditative prayers, and scriptures to think about that will help cultivate a mindset towards rest amidst the busyness of life.

You are reading day 17 of the Write 31 Days Challenge in conjunction with The Five Minute Friday Community. Today’s word prompt is ‘pause’.

4 thoughts on “Day 17 – Pause”

  1. Thank you Lynne, very kind of you to share. I’m thankful that the pause has become a rhythm for you that is helpful in finding peace.

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