Day 12 – Give Praise Where it’s Due

I knew a young girl who played a musical instrument. She was pretty good. Ok, so she didn’t practice a whole heap. Who does when they are young? Going out with friends seems far more enticing.She put in some extra effort though when it came to exams. She had to if she wanted to do well. She did do well too. Really well. She got 98 out of 100 for her grade 2 exam. How amazing is that? Just two marks off being perfect.

Two. Marks.

Someone made a comment about missing out on two marks. It was probably only said in jest, but those two marks felt like a complete failure. It didn’t matter how much praise was given afterwards. That one flippant comment stayed with her for the rest of her life.

That young girl is me.

The words we say to each other can either make us, or break us.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29

I didn’t let it break me. It did, however, make me strive harder. I wanted to try and gain praise. I wanted to hear how well I had done. I wanted to be encouraged. Otherwise, I would always be thinking I never quite reached the mark.

Friends, we need to use our words to lift each other up. Encourage each other when we can by praising. It helps to build up a persons self esteem. You never know when they may need it most. To feel more than just a mark on a piece of paper.

You are reading day 12 of the Write 31 Days Challenge in conjunction with The Five Minute Friday Community. Today’s word prompt is ‘praise’.

2 thoughts on “Day 12 – Give Praise Where it’s Due”

  1. I so agree. I am taking a great lesson from this in my relationship with my daughter. Thanks for your inspiration writing.

  2. Hi, your words have encouraged me to be more reflective of how I deal with my daughter. I need to build her self-esteem with valid praise. Thanks for sharing.

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