Tag Archives: Worry

Day 4 – Why?

Today is National Poetry Day, so I thought I would write something different for my Write 31 Day Challenge.

When life doesn’t go the way I planned,

I try to make sense and understand. 

Why is it I’ve been dealt a bad hand?


When life goes down a different path,

I’m now left with the aftermath.

Why is it I feel it’s your wrath?


When life doesn’t turn out quite right,

And I feel like I’ve lost the fight. 

Why is it you don’t hear my plight?


When life seems to pass me by,

Problems seem to intensify.

Why can’t you hear my cry?


When life feels like a heavy load,

My mind is going to explode. 

Why can’t you help me unload?

© Lynne Cole

You are reading day 4 of the Write 31 Days Challenge in conjunction with The Five Minute Friday Community. Today’s word prompt is ‘why’.

Trusting God in the Midst of Uncertainty

There are times in our lives where circumstances overwhelm us and situations get us down. We find ourselves in a position where we feel swamped with what we are facing.

Why is it we feel like this?

Many times it’s because we are facing change in our lives. We want to be able to control what is changing, but it’s not possible. It’s out of our hands and we get scared.

I felt like this four months ago when my life completely changed.  I found out I was pregnant again.  We already have three beautiful children, but always wanted four. My youngest is now six years old so we kind of gave up trying last year.

We thought the chance of having a fourth child would never happen. We resided ourselves to this fact and started giving away every baby item we had accumulated. When we found out, we were shocked, but absolutely elated about having another child. But then it sunk in…we had given away most of our baby items. Starting over again was going to be costly.

How were we going to manage?

As the weeks went on, slowly I began to feel I was being held. I didn’t feel so worried about the changes taking place. I felt a peace within me which I had never really experienced before. I just knew that everything would be ok.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

However, a few weeks ago we found our lives getting even more complicated. At my twelve week scan, we found out we were having twins! Can you imagine the shock we had? This put a whole new dimension on our lives. Twins? Double the trouble!

The Peace I encountered in the first 3 months slowly was dissipating. Concerns of how we were going to manage had doubled. Plans we had made for our holidays looked like a dream. There was a moment where we couldn’t see how we were going to get through this.

I was in a place where all I could do was just cry. Everything got on top of me and I just sat there with my head in my hands.

“God, if you hear me, please help me?”

I was at the end of my rope, clinging on and not knowing what to do next. I was so overwhelmed. I surprised myself with what I did crying out to God. Why? You may think this is not surprising and it’s what I should do anyway.

However, I very rarely turn to God when I should. I am so independent as a person…and stubborn! I think I know best and I want to figure it out on my own. Maybe, you are like this too? It’s ok. God knows and He is listening to you whether you voice it to Him, or keep it locked up deep inside. He knows.

“From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety.” Psalm 61:2

There is one thing this pregnancy is teaching me, and that is to trust God. From the moment I found out I was pregnant (unexpectedly may I add) to when we found out I was carrying twins (double the shock) I am learning a new found confidence in God. I am having to trust God with all areas of my life…

To trust God that He has me.

To trust God that He knows my anxieties.

To trust God that He will provide.

To trust God that He will sustain me.

When I was in tears, I felt all was lost. The first one I turned to though was God. Through my tears of frustration, anger and disappointment, I cried it all out to Him.

By the end of the day I felt a sense of calm. My situation was not sorted, but I could feel that He was working things out. He knows what our needs are and He will provide for them in the right way.

Something to think about…

Are you going through something right now and it seems like there is no way out? You can’t see which way to turn to make things right. Let me encourage you to turn to God and voice your thoughts to Him. You may not receive an answer straight away, but knowing He is there to hear you gives you a peace that no other can give in this world.


Lord, often I find I can deal with situations on my own, or at least I think I can. Sometimes, everything gets on top of me and I feel it’s impossible to find a way out. Nothing is ever impossible for you, God. Help me to remember this, especially when I feel everything around me is crashing down. You are the One who is constant and will always remain by my side, even when I falter. Help me to turn to you more each day. Amen.

He Will Catch You

I was prompted a couple of weeks ago to think back to a time when my kids were out in the back garden. They were playing various games of hide and seek and tag and were climbing in the trees. I get a little concerned when I see my kids climbing trees as I worry whether they may get stuck…or worse, even fall from the tree.

I remembered back to when I was a child and I use to do far worse than climb trees. I use to play on the side of railway tracks and build swings from old worn out pieces of rope. I would swing as high as possible from the overhanging trees on the side of the bank. I didn’t know the dangers then when I was a child – I just remember the thrills I use to have. At least when my children are playing in the back garden now, I know where they are and what they are doing.

It wasn’t too long though before I could hear the cries of help from the back of our garden. Sure enough, when I got there, my eldest child was stuck at the top of the tree and could not get back down. So here is my cue as “Super Mummy” to come and rescue my child. I had to climb into the tree myself so that I could coax her down safely and gently.

At the last branch I told her to jump into my arms so I could catch her and not let her fall. She cried out to me “I can’t mummy. I’m too scared!” I gently assured her though that she was going to be alright. I was basically asking my daughter to let go of the branch she was clinging onto and to trust me.

She was scared of the unknown. What would happen if she were to let go? Would I catch her, or let her fall? Of course, she eventually realised that for the only way for her to reach the ground safely was to completely trust me. She needed to have faith in me that I would protect her and keep her safe. She eventually did let go of that branch. And yes, I caught her! “Mummy,” she cried. “You saved me!”

Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.  Psalm 37:4


When I think about some of the obstacles that I have to climb in life, keeping the faith through these times is hard. It is like trying to tell a child to let go of a branch on a tree and you standing there waiting to catch them. At times, it would seem like there are lots of branches in the way and we are unable to see a clear path that would lead us into safety. The unknown of whether we would be able to get over the obstacle and reach solid ground then causes us to stumble and sometimes we feel like we are falling.

Keep strong. Have faith. God will help us.

We are reminded though that God is there for us and is ready to take hold of our hand:

For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.  Isaiah 41:13


I know it’s not easy, especially when we don’t know what is going to happen. It’s the unknown of whether or not I will be safe that causes me to stumble in my faith. I get scared. Maybe you do too? Many times I have stumbled as well because I wanted to try and find my own way.

Guess what though? When we are in the thick of it, God has a better view from where He is than what we do from where we are. We cannot see what He sees. We don’t need to be scared as God can see clearly what step we need to take to lead us to safety.

When we are in the thick of it, God has a better view from where He is Click To Tweet We don't need to be scared as God can see clearly what step we need to take to lead us to safety. Click To Tweet
Something to think about…

Are you in a situation where you feel you are stuck and you cannot see where you are? Remember, when you feel like you are stuck on the top of a branch, you just need to call on His name and He will come running to you. God will be there beneath you gently guiding your every step. When you feel like you are falling in these times, He will catch you. You just need to keep the faith and completely put your trust in His hands.

Why not try letting go and leaving it in His hands today? Instead of clinging on the the branch, cling on to the arms of God. He will be your branch.


Lord, I often find myself in places where I feel I am clinging on to a branch. I am stuck and I am scared. I cannot see which way to go. Please hear my cries as I shout to you to help me. Hold me in these times and give me the strength I need to lean on you. Guide me gently and safely as I learn to trust in you wholeheartedly. You have this in Your hands. Amen.

You Are Not Alone

It’s funny how kids remind you of the simplest of things. My son cried out during the night, waking me up from a deep sleep. I was irritated at first. I love my bed! I got up though. What mother wouldn’t if you heard your child crying?

I clambered out of the bed and stumbled into his room. He was sitting up and grumbled that he felt a bit sick. I comforted him and reassured him that he will be ok. He stuck out his bottom lip and gave such the cutest look (you know the look that Puss in Boots gives in Shrek? It was cuter than that!)

He started crying and said he felt lonely. Lonely? It’s the middle of the night, my son is crying and he feels lonely. I gave him one of his favourite teddies to cuddle and settled him back down. I stroked the bridge of his nose and gently whispered to him that he is never alone. Why? Because God is ALWAYS with him. With this in his mind he smiled, hugged his teddy tightly and gently went back to sleep. My son was at peace again.

Getting back into bed I carried this same thought with me. Me reminding my son that God is with him is just as relevant for me as it is for him. It’s the same for you too! God is with us people. Sometimes we may not feel it, but He is. Just like a favourite teddy bear and a gentle whisper will comfort my son, God is there with us in our midst gently whispering to us…I love you.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me? Psalm 56:3-4

Whether you are going back to work after a holiday, starting a new job, have a new venture, starting back to school again, or even starting a new school…you are not alone.


Something to think about…

Are you facing a new season right now? Are you feeling scared? Hand it over to God and leave it in His hands. He has this…and He has you! You are not alone in what you are going through.

Hand it over to God and leave it in His hands. He has this...and He has you! You are not alone Click To Tweet


Lord, I am scared for what I am about to face today. You know what my situation is God and I am leaving it in your hands. Take away any feelings of insecurity that I have and help me to deal with whatever comes in my path. Thank you for the promise that you have given to me that you will always be by my side. I know that I am never alone. Amen.

A Pain in the Head!

I have had a headache now for twenty-one days (not that I am counting).  IIMG_4440[1] suffer with headaches generally, but they don’t usually last for this long.  To say that I am slightly irritated with this is a little bit of an understatement…I’m sure that my husband and friends can vouch for this!  I have been so moody and snappy with almost just about everyone I know, especially with those that I love. This is so unlike me as well.  I know I’m not the most diplomatic of people and I say things straight to the point. Well, I’m your typical Northerner I reckon, so I see that there is no point in mixing my words or beating around the bush.  At least you know what you get with me!  I try not to offend anyone, which I know is sometimes hard to do. For those that know me though, they know how to take me, which is with a pinch of salt!



Anyway, with these headaches, I have been even more diplomatic than usual! NOT!! I have tried over-the-counter medication (the strongest that I can get without going through a doctor) and that has not helped.  It numbs the pain for maybe an hour if I am lucky, but the pain soon comes back with vengeance. I tried to resist having wine, but in the end I succumbed to it! For anyone who knows me, they will know that I absolutely love a good red wine.  It did help to numb the head a little, but only in the short term.


Anyhow, I finally resorted in going to the doctors. When it comes to the doctors, I will put everyone else in my family first and make time for them, but I don’t do the same for me.  I am always too busy to take care of myself.  If one of my children were ill, I would be straight up there without hesitation. I would drop whatever I was doing and then suffer the consequences later.  I would either have to make up the time owed at work, or whatever I was in the middle of doing would have to be finished off later. When it comes to myself though, I make up excuses.  When I have three children that are dependent on me; work full time; the upkeep of the home to attend to; other commitments outside work and home, then I just simply do not have the time to go to the doctors when there is so much to do.



I can’t fault the doctor in anyway.  She was so good and checked me out really thoroughly.  It turns out that my blood pressure is a little on the high side, which may be the reason as to why I am having headaches.  Not good at my age really.  I’m not even 35 yet, and I have the small possibility that if I am not careful, there could be something more serious happening.  Am I worried?  You bet I am!  Who wouldn’t be?  I should try not to worry though.  So much energy is wasted on worrying, and my energy should be used for much more positive things.  I am finding at the moment, with all this worrying, that I am a little bit more negative about myself and situations I am in.


The devil loves it when I am like this…and oh boy does he take it to his advantage!  Peter has it all sewn up though when he tells us what to do with our worrying.  Basically, give all your worries to God, and be aware of the devil and what he is doing around you.  He is watching you, and ready and waiting for you to make any wrong move.  In my case, worrying about my headaches is causing me to snap at those people that love me dearly.  I need to hand everything over to God and to let him do His stuff.

1 Peter 5 7-9